Self Issuance & Recovery
Shared privacy layer
Secured by Ethereum and Rarimo Layer 2
Rarimo L2: ZK registries
Built as
Vitalik Buterin
Vitalik ButerinEthereum Co-Founder
Zero-knowledge cryptography holds tremendous potential for solving digital identity. I’m proud to support the Rarimo team as they tackle this critical need with innovative products like Freedom Tool and the ZK Identity Registry.
Brian Retford
Brian RetfordRiscZero Co-Founder
It’s more important today than it ever has been that there be open, decentralized and transparent identity protocol that enables credible anonymous and pseudonymous online actions. Rarimo is building this and I’m proud to support them.
Stefan George
Stefan GeorgeGnosis Co-Founder
The Rarimo team has proven to apply ZK technologies to solve real world problems successfully while protecting user privacy. I am exited to see their solutions like zkPassport being applied on a global scale.
Alex Pruden
Alex PrudenAleo Co-Founder
Zero-knowledge cryptography holds tremendous potential for solving digital identity. I’m proud to support the Rarimo team as they tackle this critical need with innovative products like Freedom Tool and the ZK Identity Registry. Their work is paving the way for secure...
Nick White
Nick WhiteCelestia Co-Founder
Rarimo's sovereign, private, digital identity layer will unlock very powerful, cypherpunk applications for crypto. Onchain voting is just the tip of the iceberg.
Zac Williamson
Zac WilliamsonAztec Co-Founder
Permissionless identity protocols with strong user privacy protection will be seen as a keystone technology of the new information revolution, and Rarimo is leading the charge. They are talented, tenacious and targeting real-world deployments of this bleeding-edge...
Arnaud Schenk
Arnaud SchenkAztec Co-Founder
The Rarimo communities has an incredible track record of leveraging programmable cryptography and their endless appetite for schlep to unlock the most interesting and valuable use cases at the intersection of legal, social, and technological systems...